Friday, August 3, 2012

A Most Despicable Weed...

One of the most difficult weeds in my garden is this HORRIBLE one!  It is called Puncture Vine, and it is deceptively pretty -- it has nicely shaped little leaves that radiate from a central point, and it gets pretty yellow flowers.  But lurking EVERYWHERE among its little branches are horrible burs!  They are shaped like a mini Maltese Cross, and they are as sharp as razor blades. They cut my hands right through my gardening gloves, and I have had bloody fingers numerous times, just trying to get them out.  They have quite a deep tap root, so in order to get them out, I use a hand trowel, but they still have to be lifted out and put in the trash can, which means still handling them to some extent.  The very bad news is that the seeds from these weeds can lay dormant for 20 years or more, and then spring to life under the right conditions!  When the burs dry out, they become even more treacherous, puncturing bike tires, mower tires, wagon tires, soles of shoes, etc.  These "goatheads," as they are called, I guess because of their shape when dried, can fall off of your shoes onto your rugs, floors, carpets, etc., you can have the further delight of stepping on one barefoot and recalling why the weed is called Puncture Vine. OUCH!
The only surefire way to get rid of it is to DIG it out -- a painful process, indeed.  The best remedy is to make sure it doesn't start growing in the first place.  It can become massive, and can take over your garden and smother your precious flowers and veggies very, very quickly... Sigh...

Because of the perfect construction of the burs, looking just like a Maltese Cross, I looked up the history of that emblem.  Wow.  

The eight points of the cross are believed to represent the eight vows the early knights had to observe:

1) live in truth; 
2) have faith; 
3) repent of sins; 
4) give proof of humility; 
5) love justice; 
6) be merciful; 
7) be sincere and whole hearted; 
8) endure persecution.

This lovely emblem was counterfeited and made despicable by Adolph Hitler in 1939, who re-introduced the cross, but with a Swastika in the center...then it was called an Iron Cross.

What is that, Lord? Yes, I am listening and focusing.  What would you have me to learn here?

1) Purging the weeds from my life can be a very painful process.
2) Recognizing the weeds for what they are can be difficult...they are serious imitations of the genuine; they are counterfeit, fake,  They are a perverted, distorted version of something good!

3) Some of the roots go down deep, and are really hard to get out.  
4) Some have been dormant for a long time, and suddenly spring to life under the right conditions!
5) It is best to never allow the weeds to grow in the first place.

Lord, please help me to apply what you have taught me here!
I have been busy this week identifying the despicable weeds in the garden of my heart.  Ugh! They are noxious and have to go! 
Do you have any despicable weeds in your garden, too?

Blessings to you this weekend!  :D

Galatians 5:19-21  When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures,  idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division,  envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Some images from Google images, others are my own photos