Wednesday, September 14, 2011

 Inviting Jane and Lizzie to Tea 

Some of my favorite people are those I have met between the covers of a book.  Two of my very favorites are Jane and Elizabeth Bennett, the two eldest sisters in Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.  My heart's desire would be to invite these two ladies to tea, if only it were possible!
I am very much like Lizzie in personality, which is why Jane's personality is such an asset! 
I often reflect upon Jane's comment, "Lizzie, you do not make allowances for differences of situation and temper," and know that I am also hasty to judge situations and people, and all too quick to survey a circumstance and see it with my own ingrown eyeballs, from my own very limited perspective.  There are many days when I wish I could pour out my heart to Lizzie over tea, knowing that she would be quick to commiserate with me, offer her wise advice and perhaps some action to take, and then say something to calm and console.   Some days I would not wish Jane there, because she would cause me to pause, re-think, forgive, and consider, when I would prefer to simply react and receive support and encouragement for my position. 
But there are other days, when I desperately need Jane alone, to sit with me over tea, to comfort me with her kind words and remind me of the right thing to do.  I do need her gentle voice to tell me to "make allowances for differences of situation and temper." 
Do you have "literary" friends whom you would wish to invite to tea?  Why would you choose them?  I think I will be inviting more of my dear long time friends to tea parties, as well.  We shall greet you in the near future!

Blessings, dear friends


1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie,
    Oohh, I like your tea things. Wouldn't it be lovely to sit and sip tea with your literary friends! I do enjoy that story! You must stop over and have tea with me. There is still time to link up too if you wish. I hope you are having a lovely week.

