Saturday, September 10, 2011

"These Are A Few of My Favorite Things..."

Sometimes you can learn a lot about a person by finding out what they like and don't like.  I have been thinking a lot lately about my favorites...but that is a very broad topic!  There are favorite colors, (mine are pastels) favorite sounds (like music, birds singing, children laughing -- especially babies laughing --  are at the top of my list!).  There are favorite places, like home, Disneyland, England, Switzerland, and Patrick Pond.  I have lots of favorite activities, like reading, writing, going to antique stores, and having tea or coffee with friends. So how do you just make a list of favorite things?  What are the THINGS I enjoy most? Well, that list would not include God, family, friends, or pets (or animals in general) in my list because although they are at the very top, they are not THINGS.  After those dear ones come other living things like plants, trees, or flowers, so they are not in the list either.  Hmmm...
So here are some of the THINGS I like best, not really in a priority order because that order may change daily!  I really like so many things, the top 20 doesn't even come close to expressing all the many things I enjoy most, but here are the ones I could think of right now:   
 white walls
 the ocean
 rural communities
 thrift stores
 garage sales
 picket fences
 Thomas Kincaid artwork
 Handmade patchwork quilts
 vintage everything
 rocking chairs
 teapots, cups, and saucers

Well, that's a start! There must be thousands of things I especially like and enjoy!

There are some things I DON'T like, also.  These are not in a specific order, either.

waiting in lines
ridiculously high prices
mean people
toxic, negative people
people who are not authentic or honest
disrespectful words and actions
LOUD anything -- music, machines, people, cars, etc.
gaining weight
Dental Work (even though my dentist is fabulous)
talk radio
violin music slightly off pitch

OK, well there you have it.  A whole bunch of likes and dislikes.  I'm sure tomorrow when I read this I will wish I had different ones in each column, but that is the peril of putting your thoughts in print. 
What about you?  Think about your favorites this weekend!  Count your blessings, and when you start chalking up your dislikes, be thankful that you have the ability to think of them, and live where you can express your dislikes freely!

Lest I be remiss for not expressing my remembrance of 9/11/2001, I remember much about that tragic day, as if it was only yesterday. It was awful...horrible...Frightening.  The good that came of it was that for weeks and weeks afterwards, everywhere you went you saw flags -- hundreds of flags, everywhere!  They were on businesses, homes, corners,cars, dog collars, everywhere!  People across our nation were banding together, proud to be Americans. People across the land were praying -- remembering God and interceding for others in prayer.   I find it sad that that degree of patriotism  and leaning toward God came and went all too quickly, and that it is hard to find today, as it was before the tragedy struck.  I pray that it does not take another 9/11 to awaken us to the blessings of liberty we all enjoy, and cause us to pray for our nation on a daily basis.

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